Primary Movement in Sign Languages

A Study of Six Languages

1st Edition

By Donna Jo Napoli, Mark Mai, and Nicholas Gaw

Categories: Linguistics
Imprint: Gallaudet University Press
Hardcover : 9781563684913, 222 pages, May 2011
Ebook : 9781563684920, 222 pages, May 2011
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In this study, the authors describe how they created a new way to categorize sign languages by direction of movement, thereby establishing the relationship between six distinct sign languages without depending on grammar.



Is it possible to identify sign languages by their prosody, that is, the rhythm and stress of sign production, and then determine if they are related to each other or other sign languages? If so, reasoned authors Donna Jo Napoli, Mark Mai, and Nicholas Gaw, perhaps they could offer such identification as a new way to typologize, or categorize sign languages by their structural features. Their new collaboration Primary Movement in Sign Languages: A Study of Six Languages traces the process and findings from this unique investigation.

Resolving on the direction of movement as the prosodic factor to track, they began their research by comparing five sign languages: American Sign Language (ASL), British Sign Language (BSL), Italian Sign Language (LIS), French Sign Language (LSF), and Australian Sign Language (Auslan). They soon discovered that the languages in their study clustered with respect to several characteristics along genetic lines, with BSL and Auslan contrasting with LSF, LIS, and ASL. They learned that sign languages with the same geographic origin evolved differently when relocated, and they isolated differences in each individual sign language. They compared four of these established sign languages with the newly emerging Nicaraguan Sign Language (NSL), with the exception of ASL due to their past close contact, thereby validating their work as the first study to identify sign language relationships without depending on grammar.


Donna Jo Napoli is Professor of Linguistics, Swarthmore College, Swarthmore, PA.

Mark Mai, a student at the Yale University School of Medicine, New Haven, CT, received his BA in linguistics at Swarthmore College.

Nicholas Gaw, a political professional in Washington, DC, received his BA in history and linguistics at Swarthmore College.