Silent Observer

By Christy MacKinnon

Imprint: Gallaudet University Press
Ebook : 9781563684753, 48 pages, September 2018
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Table of contents

Title Page
A Note to the Reader
About the Author
Silent Observer
Back Cover



Rendered in lovely, full-color illustrations, Silent Observer traces the early life of author Christy MacKinnon in Nova Scotia at the turn of the century. Born in 1889, the author lost her hearing from “the Winter fever” at the age of two. Her story tells of a simple, charming life on her family’s farm by the bay and in the schoolhouse where her father taught her in their hometown of Boisdale.

Silent Observer is an affectionate, poignant memoir of childhood as seen through the eyes of a vivacious young girl. Teachers, parents, and children will share in their enjoyment of this beautiful, sensitive story of a harder but wonderful time that has passed.


Christy MacKinnon was an illustrator for F.A.O. Schwarz in New York City.