A Book of Colors

1st Edition

By Kim Votry & Curt Waller

Categories: Children's Books / Young Adult
Imprint: Gallaudet University Press
Paperback : 9781563681479, 16 pages, October 2003
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From the team that created the Baby’s First Signs books come two new board books. A Book of Colors depicts the charming character with the favorite hat signing all of the primary and secondary colors—red, yellow, blue, orange, green, and purple—in interesting settings. The other pages display a wide variety of appealing colors, too, including pink, white, black, gray, brown, and tan, topped off with a richly rendered illustration of a rainbow.

Out for a Walk offers toddlers their first look at signs for the world around them. As they follow our distinctively hatted youngster on a stroll, they encounter familiar animals and insects, among them a dog, cat, butterfly, and squirrel, and learn which ones can be pets. They’ll enjoy imaginative images of the senses, too—sight, smell, hearing, taste, and touch. Printed on robust cardboard stock, these delightful full-color books will engage toddlers in new topics as they discover more basic signs, proven to accelerate their grasp of language.


Kim Votry teaches parents and educators how to use American Sign Language with hearing children in Edmonds, WA.

Curt Waller does freelance painting and digital illustration in Seattle, WA.