A Place of Their Own

Creating the Deaf Community in America

First Edition

By John Vickrey Van Cleve & Barry A. Crouch

Imprint: Gallaudet University Press
Paperback : 9780930323493, 212 pages, March 1989
Ebook : 9781563681929, 212 pages, December 2010
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Using original sources, this unique book focuses on the Deaf community during the 19th century. Largely through schools for the deaf, deaf people began to develop a common language and a sense of community.

       A Place of Their Own brings the perspective of history to bear on the reality of deafness and provides fresh and important insight into the lives of deaf Americans.


John Vickrey Van Cleve is Professor Emeritus of History at Gallaudet University.

Barry A. Crouch was a professor of history at Gallaudet University.