Deaf Sport

The Impact of Sports within the Deaf Community

By David A. Stewart

Categories: Sports
Imprint: Gallaudet University Press
Hardcover : 9780930323745, 248 pages, June 1991
Ebook : 9781563685163, 248 pages, September 2014
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Deaf Sport describes the full ramifications of athletics for Deaf people, from the meaning of individual participation to the cultural bonding resulting from their organization. Deaf Sport profiles noted deaf sports figures and the differences particular to Deaf sports, such as the use of sign language for score keeping, officiating, and other communication.
     This important book analyzes the governing and business aspects of Deaf sport, both local deaf groups and the American Athletic Association of the Deaf and the World Games for the Deaf. It shows the positive psychological and educational impact of Deaf sport, and how it serves to socialize further the geographically dispersed members of the Deaf community.


David A. Stewart was Professor, Department of Counseling, Educational Psychology, and Special Education, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI.