Advances in Educational Interpreting

Edited by Elizabeth A. Winston & Stephen B. Fitzmaurice

Imprint: Gallaudet University Press
Hardcover : 9781944838911, 389 pages, December 2021
Ebook : 9781944838928, 352 pages, December 2021
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Presents research about the current state of educational interpreting in both K-12 and post-secondary settings.


Chapter Summaries in ASL



In this follow up to Educational Interpreting: How It Can Succeed, published in 2004, Elizabeth A. Winston and Stephen B. Fitzmaurice present research about the current state of educational interpreting in both K-12 and post-secondary settings. This volume brings together experts in the field, including Deaf and hearing educational interpreters, interpreter researchers, interpreter educators, and Deaf consumers of educational interpreting services. The contributors explore impacts and potential outcomes for students placed in interpreted education settings, and address such topics as interpreter skills, cultural needs, and emergent signers.

Winston and Fitzmaurice argue massive systemic paradigm shifts in interpreted educations are as needed now as they were when the first volume was published, and that these changes require the collaborative efforts of everyone on the educational team, including: administrators, general education teachers, teachers of the deaf, interpreters, and counselors. The contributors to this volume address research-based challenges and make recommendations for how interpreting practitioners, and all members of the educational team, can enact meaningful changes in their work towards becoming part of a more comprehensive solution to deaf education.


Elizabeth A. Winston is Director of the Teaching Interpreting Educators and Mentors (TIEM) Center in Loveland, CO, where she directs research into and education about educational interpreting, interpreter education practices, discourse analysis, assessment, and evaluation.

Stephen B. Fitzmaurice is Associate Professor of Interpreting: American Sign Language (ASL) and lead faculty for the ASL-English Educational Interpreting program at Clemson University. He is also the director of the South Carolina Educational Interpreting Center and has worked as a professional ASL-English interpreter for over twenty-five years.