International Perspectives on Sign Language Translator and Interpreter Education

Second Edition

Edited by Jemina Napier, Stacey Webb, and Robert Adam

Series: Interpreter Education
Imprint: Gallaudet University Press
Hardcover : 9781954622425, 450 pages, November 2024
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Leading experts in sign language translator and interpreter education present the current state of the field in their respective countries.



The field of sign language translator and interpreter (SLTI) education gets a global treatment in this new volume helmed by editors Jemina Napier, Stacey Webb, and Robert Adam. This second edition updates the information from the 2009 volume and adds new contributions that expand the scope of the work to include additional countries and topic areas. SLTI scholars and educators will benefit from these international perspectives and gain an improved understanding of this rapidly evolving discipline.
Each chapter, authored collaboratively by deaf and hearing educators, surveys general interpreter education and training, examines the status of the profession for both deaf and hearing practitioners, and addresses specific challenges faced within the different national frameworks. Contributors also discuss ongoing and future trends, including the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on educational practices.
This volume disseminates extensive knowledge on sign language translator and interpreter education, covering established programs as well as ad hoc training, and highlighting effective teaching pedagogies and structured classroom strategies. Contributors emphasize a holistic approach to the field, integrating SLTI education, the current profession, future practitioners, and deaf communities. Although the state of the field varies widely around the world depending on the national context, this volume reveals a shared goal of advancing professional standards and improving the provision of service to deaf people worldwide.


Jemina Napier is a hearing heritage signer and is Professor and Chair of Intercultural Communication in the Department of Languages & Intercultural Studies at Heriot-Watt University, in Scotland, UK. Napier is also a practicing sign language interpreter and works between English and British Sign Language, Australian Sign Language, or International Sign.

Stacey Webb is a hearing new signer and is Assistant Professor in the Department of Languages & Intercultural Studies at Heriot-Watt University, in Scotland, UK. As a qualified American Sign Language/English and British Sign Language/ English interpreter, she brings a holistic approach to education that spans traditional and cutting-edge methodologies.

Robert Adam is a deaf heritage signer and is Associate Professor in the Department of Languages & Intercultural Studies at Heriot-Watt University, in Scotland, UK. As a practicing deaf interpreter and translator, Adam is qualified to work between English and British Sign Language, American Sign Language, and International Sign.