New Approaches to Interpreter Education

First Edition

Edited by Cynthia B. Roy

Categories: Translation and Interpreting Studies
Series: Interpreter Education
Imprint: Gallaudet University Press
Hardcover : 9781563682971, 148 pages, October 2006
Ebook : 9781563683800, 148 pages, September 2009
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The Third Volume in the Interpreter Education Series expands the tools available to instructors with chapters by a cast of international scholars on new curricula, creative teaching methods, critical skills, and more.



The Third Volume in the Interpreter Education Series

The latest addition to the Interpreter Education series expands the tools available to instructors with six new, vital chapters on new curricula and creative teaching methods. Series editor Cynthia B. Roy leads the way by calling for the use of a discourse-oriented curriculum for educating interpreters. In the following chapter, Claudia Angelelli outlines the bottom-line principles for teaching effective health-care interpreting, postulating a model that depends upon the development of skills in six critical areas: cognitive-processing, interpersonal, linguistics, professional, setting-specific, and sociocultural. Risa Shaw, Steven D. Collins, and Melanie Metzger collaborate on describing the process for establishing a bachelor of arts program in interpreting at Gallaudet University distinct from the already existent masters program.

In the fourth chapter, Doug Bowen-Bailey describes how to apply theories of discourse-based interpreter education in specific contexts by producing customized videos. Jemina Napier blends three techniques for instructing signed language interpreters in Australia: synthesizing sign and spoken language interpreting curricula; integrating various interpreting concepts into a theoretical framework; and combining online and face-to-face instruction. Finally, Helen Slatyer delineates the use of an action research methodology to establish a curriculum for teaching ad hoc interpreters of languages used by small population segments in Australia.


Cynthia B. Roy is Associate Professor in the Department of Interpretation at Gallaudet University, Washington, DC.