Innovative Practices for Teaching Sign Language Interpreters

First Edition

Edited by Cynthia B. Roy

Categories: Translation and Interpreting Studies
Series: Interpreter Education
Imprint: Gallaudet University Press
Hardcover : 9781563680885, 200 pages, March 2000
Ebook : 9781563682094, 200 pages, October 2009
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Researchers now understand interpreting as an active process between two languages and cultures, with social interaction, sociolinguistics, and discourse analysis as more appropriate theoretical frameworks. Roy’s penetrating new book acts upon these new insights by presenting six dynamic teaching practices to help interpreters achieve the highest level of skill.
       Jeffrey Davis illustrates the translation skills that form the basis for teaching consecutive and simultaneous interpreting to help students understand the intended meaning of the source message, and also the manner in which listeners understand it. Rico Peterson demonstrates the use of recall protocols, which can be used to teach metacognitive skills and to assess the student’s sign language comprehension. Finally, Janice Humphrey details the use of graduation portfolios, a valuable assessment tool used by faculty to determine a student’s level of competency. These imaginative techniques in Innovative Practices promise gains in sign language interpreting that will benefit teachers, students, and clients alike in the very near future.


Cynthia B. Roy is a retired professor in the Department of Interpretation and Translation at Gallaudet University, where she directed the BA program and the PhD program. She is also a nationally certified American Sign Language–English interpreter specializing in community interpreting.