The Academic Foundations of Interpreting Studies

An Introduction to Its Theories

By Cynthia B. Roy, Jeremy L. Brunson, and Christopher A. Stone

Imprint: Gallaudet University Press
Hardcover : 9781944838379, 224 pages, January 2019
Ebook : 9781944838386, 224 pages, December 2018
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This is the first introductory course book that explores the theoretical foundations used in sign language interpreting studies. 



The Academic Foundations of Interpreting Studies is the first introductory course book that explores the theoretical foundations used in sign language interpreting studies. Authors Roy, Brunson, and Stone examine the disciplines whose theoretical frameworks and methodologies have influenced the academic study of interpreting. With this text, explanations for how interpreted events occur, how interpreted products are created, and how the interpreting process is studied can be framed within a variety of theoretical perspectives, forming a foundation for the emerging transdiscipline of Interpreting Studies.

As sign language interpreting has emerged and evolved in the last 20 years as an academic field of study, the scope of learning has broadened to include fields beyond the language and culture of deaf people. This text surveys six disciplines that have informed the study of sign language interpreting: history, translation, linguistics, sociology, social psychology, and cognitive psychology, along with their major ideas, principal scholars, and ways of viewing human interaction. Each chapter includes clear learning goals, definitions, discussion questions, and images to aid understanding. The Academic Foundations of Interpreting Studies is required reading for upper-level undergraduate or first-year graduate students in interpreting, Deaf studies, and sign language programs.


Cynthia B. Roy is a retired professor in the Department of Interpretation and Translation at Gallaudet University, where she directed the BA program and the PhD program. She is also a nationally certified American Sign Language–English interpreter specializing in community interpreting.

Jeremy L. Brunson is an applied sociologist and independent consultant. He is also an American Sign Language–English interpreter specializing in legal interpreting.

Christopher A. Stone is a senior lecturer (associate professor) of Interpreting and Deaf Studies at the University of Wolverhampton in England. He is also a nationally certified BSL–ASL–English interpreter and holds an IS accreditation from WFD-WASLI.



"This volume represents a mammoth undertaking ... Given this fact, the authors should be applauded for their capacity to succinctly present core concepts from the six fields in a way that is accessible for interpreting studies students. The volume also offers food for thought for interpreter education programs on if and how they explicitly reference these disciplinary lenses in their programs and to what extent our curricula unpack the interrelationships between spoken language and sign language interpreting studies." 

— Lorraine Leeson, Sign Language Studies

"This is not only an impressive endeavour but actually charts a new course for SLI [sign language interpreting] programmes, which have traditionally focussed on language, culture and professional issues ... The authors of this textbook have done a tremendous amount of work; they have read and categorised an immense body of literature from different disciplines and compiled it into an impressively dense textbook for SLI students."

— Nadja Grbic, Interpreting