Here or There

Research on Interpreting via Video Link

Edited by Jemina Napier, Robert Skinner, and Sabine Braun

Categories: Translation and Interpreting Studies
Series: Studies in Interpretation
Imprint: Gallaudet University Press
Hardcover : 9781944838225, 368 pages, June 2018
Ebook : 9781944838232, 368 pages, May 2018
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This volume presents cutting edge, empirical research in a newly emerging field of interpreting practice and research.



The field of sign language interpreting is undergoing an exponential increase in the delivery of services through remote and video technologies. The nature of these technologies challenges established notions of interpreting as a situated, communicative event and of the interpreter as a participant. As a result, new perspectives and research are necessary for interpreters to thrive in this environment. This volume fills that gap and features interdisciplinary explorations of remote interpreting from spoken and signed language interpreting scholars who examine various issues from linguistic, sociological, physiological, and environmental perspectives.

       Here or There presents cutting edge, empirical research that informs the professional practice of remote interpreting, whether it be video relay service, video conference, or video remote interpreting. The research is augmented by the perspectives of stakeholders and deaf consumers on the quality of the interpreted work. Among the topics covered are professional attitudes and motivations, interpreting in specific contexts, and adaptation strategies. The contributors also address potential implications for relying on remote interpreting, discuss remote interpreter education, and offer recommendations for service providers.


Jemina Napier is a professor and chair of intercultural communication in the Department of Languages and Intercultural Studies at Heriot-Watt University in Scotland.

Robert Skinner is a research associate and PhD student in the Department of Languages and Intercultural Studies at Heriot-Watt University in Scotland.

Sabine Braun is a professor of translation studies and director of the Centre for Translation Studies at the University of Surrey in England.



"Several chapters provide a contribution to methodological and theoretical developments of studies in this particular empirical field, and in interpreting studies generally. These are a valuable resource for researchers and PhD and other advanced legal students. Other chapters might be more useful for practitioners, such as legal officials and active interpreters."

— Cecilia Wadensjo, Interpreting

"This volume will be useful to interpreting practitioners in a variety of video link interpreting settings for gaining knowledge of the field and developing best practices. Interpreter educators may also use the contents to guide their students to becoming successful video-based interpreters. Companies and agencies providing video link interpreting may use the book as a basis for setting up or improving their services. Additionally, governments and other stakeholders may read the clearly evidenced information in order to understand the complicated processes involved in being an interlocutor using an interpreter via video link...Here or There provides an excellent and well-structured journey from experts in the field using data-based research, through the technologies, and types of interpreting currently involved in video link technologies." 

— Laura Maddux, International Journal of Interpreter Education