Empowerment and Black Deaf Persons placeholder

Empowerment and Black Deaf Persons

Foreword by Lindsay Dunn

Categories: African American Studies
Imprint: Gallaudet University Press
Hardcover : 9781954622449, 186 pages, October 2024
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This reissued collection of early papers offers a foundational understanding of the emerging field of Black Deaf Studies.



Empowerment and Black Deaf Persons is a collection of papers from a 1990 conference that brought together an audience of mostly Black Deaf and hearing people to address three themes: leadership and advocacy, the dynamics and dilemmas of being multiply marginalized, and issues related to language and community. Scholars, students, and community members will find this volume invaluable for understanding the origins and evolution of Black Deaf Studies. Lindsay Dunn, co-chair of the original conference, contributes a new foreword, offering contemporary insights and reflections.
This is the inaugural volume in the Early Papers in Deaf Studies series, which will consist of reissued works originally published by the Gallaudet University College for Continuing Education but long out of print. The aim of this series is to restore these foundational papers to the scholarly community. Empowerment and Black Deaf Persons is available in both print and open digital formats, ensuring broad access to this important contribution to the literature.