More Than Meets the Eye

Revealing the Complexities of an Interpreted Education

By Melissa B. Smith

Categories: Translation and Interpreting Studies, Deaf Education
Series: Studies in Interpretation
Imprint: Gallaudet University Press
Paperback : 9781563684760, 214 pages, January 2019
Ebook : 9781563685804, 256 pages, November 2013
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This volume presents the range of activities and responsibilities performed by educational interpreters, and illuminates what they consider when making decisions.



Sign language interpreters often offer the primary avenue of access for deaf and hard of hearing students in public schools. More than 80% of all deaf children today are mainstreamed, and few of their teachers sign well enough to provide them with full access. As a result, many K-12 interpreters perform multiple roles beyond interpreting. Yet, very little is known about what they actually do and what factors inform their moment-to-moment decisions. This volume presents the range of activities and responsibilities performed by educational interpreters, and illuminates what they consider when making decisions.
       To learn about the roles of K-12 interpreters, author Melissa B. Smith conducted in-depth analyses at three different schools. She learned that in response to what interpreters feel that their deaf students need, many focus on three key areas: 1) visual access, 2) language and learning, and 3) social and academic participation/inclusion. To best serve their deaf students in these contexts, they perform five critical functions: they assess and respond to the needs and abilities of deaf students; they interpret with or without modification as they deem appropriate; they capitalize on available resources; they rely on interactions with teachers and students to inform their choices; and they take on additional responsibilities as the need arises.


Melissa B. Smith is a professor in the American Sign Language/English Interpreter Training Program at Palomar College.