
Showing 31-40 of 44 titles.
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Multilingualism and Sign Languages

From the Great Plains to Australia

First Edition

The 12th Volume in the Sociolinguistics in Deaf Communities Series
The latest entry in the Sociolinguistics in Deaf Communities series continues to mine the rich resources found in signing communities ...

The Rising of Lotus Flowers

Self-Education by Deaf Children in Thai Boarding Schools

First Edition

In developed nations around the world, residential schools for deaf students are giving way to the trend of inclusion in regular classrooms. Nonetheless, deaf education continues to lag as the students ...

The Emergence of the Deaf Community in Nicaragua

“With Sign Language You Can Learn So Much”

First Edition

By Laura Polich
Foreword by Philip Lieberman
Categories: Linguistics

The sudden discovery of Nicaraguan Sign Language (NSL) enthralled scholars worldwide who hoped to witness the evolution of a new language. But controversy erupted regarding the validity of NSL as a genuinely ...

To the Lexicon and Beyond

Sociolinguistics in European Deaf Communities

First Edition

Volume 10 of the series explores sociolinguistics in various European Deaf communities. Editors Van Herreweghe and Vermeerbergen present a wide array of research inspired by the Sociolinguistics Symposium ...

Original Signs

Gesture, Sign, and the Sources of Language

In the ongoing debate about evolution, scholars frequently argue either the perspective that humans stand as the end product of a deliberate process or that they derive from a series of random acts of ...

Sociolinguistic Variation in American Sign Language

First Edition

The culmination of a seven-year project, this volume provides a complete description of American Sign Language (ASL) variation. For four decades, linguists have studied how people from varying regions ...

Language in Hand

Why Sign Came Before Speech

First Edition

In Language in Hand: Why Sign Came Before Speech, William C. Stokoe begins his exploration of the origin of human language with a 2400-year-old quote by Democritus: “Everything existing in the universe ...

Multicultural Aspects of Sociolinguistics in Deaf Communities

This collection offers a wide variety of fascinating studies that consider multicultural aspects among deaf people worldwide. Mala Kleinfeld and Noni Warner investigate variation in the use of gay, lesbian, ...

From Gesture to Language in Hearing and Deaf Children

In 21 essays on communicative gesturing in the first two years of life, this vital collection demonstrates the importance of gesture in a child’s transition to a linguistic system. Introductions preceding ...