Communication Therapy

An Integrated Approach to Aural Rehabilitation

Edited by Mary June Moseley & Scott Bally

Categories: Audiology / Speech and Hearing Sciences
Imprint: Gallaudet University Press
Hardcover : 9781563680540, 406 pages, August 1996
Ebook : 9781563681707, 406 pages, February 2023
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This new book for students and professionals emphasizes a functional approach to aural rehabilitation refined during the past several years. It details the use of an integrated therapy strategy designed to meet a variety of needs for each client while simultaneously working on multiple communication skill areas. Particular care has been taken to address the different requirements of deaf and hard of hearing adolescents and adults, including information about the unique needs of the culturally Deaf population. Throughout this practical text, clinicians receive encouragement to learn American Sign Language to enhance communication with Deaf clients.
       Communication Therapy calls upon the expertise of various authorities well-versed in integrated therapy. They explain fully the state-of-the-art practices for all therapy areas, from global areas in communication therapy, to technology for aural rehabilitation, auditory skills, speechreading, speech and voice, pronunciation, and language skills, and telephone communication training. Case studies demonstrate the effectiveness of the integrated approach, making this book a significant advancement in communication therapy.


Mary June Moseley is a former professor in the Department of Hearing, Speech, and Language Sciences at Gallaudet University.
Scott J. Bally is a former professor in the Department of Hearing, Speech, and Language Sciences at Gallaudet University.