Gallaudet Survival Guide to Signing

2nd Edition

By Leonard Lane

Categories: American Sign Language Reference and Instruction
Imprint: Gallaudet University Press
Paperback : 9780930323677, 203 pages, February 1990
Ebook : 9781563684999, 203 pages, December 2010
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Now the standard sign language book for more than 200,000 people has been completely revised and updated! American Sign Language (ASL) experts updated this brand-new edition to present more than 500 of the most current ASL signs in use today, including cross-references for multiple words expressed by a single sign. The Gallaudet Survival Guide to Signing also offers tips on ASL usage, plus the American Manual Alphabet and manual numbers.


Leonard G. Lane taught at the New Mexico School for the Deaf and worked as an instructional materials developer and editor at Gallaudet University.



“This handy pocket guide illustrates about 500 words in the American Sign Language system. A good choice for public libraries.”

— Booklist

“This easily portable reference book contains American Sign Language signs for use in home, school, work, or social situations. A written description of how to form each sign accompanies the sign illustrations, which are drawn as they would be seen by the viewer. Included are suggestions for effective signing and methods for signing addresses, time, dates, and money.”

— Exceptional Child Education Resources