When the Phone Rings, My Bed Shakes

The Memoirs of a Deaf Doctor

By Philip Zazove

Categories: Biography / Memoir
Imprint: Gallaudet University Press
Hardcover : 9781563680243, 295 pages, November 1993
Ebook : 9781563681899, 312 pages, February 2023
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Born almost totally deaf, Philip Zazove has spent his entire life beating the odds first by excelling in public schools during an era when most deaf children went to special schools, then by aspiring to become a medical doctor. When the Phone Rings, My Bed Shakes is the remarkable story of his determination and achievement in realizing his dreams.
       Despite his stellar record at Northwestern University, Zazove was rejected by a host of medical schools. This only caused him to press harder, which won him acceptance at Rutgers University. He transferred to Washington University in St. Louis where, again against all advice, he decided to specialize in family practice. In vignettes of his patients, some amusing, others moving, he reveals the dedication and humanity that have made him a respected and well-loved doctor. His story will inspire all who read it.


Philip Zazove, M.D. is on the faculty of the Family Practice Department of the University of Michigan Medical School.