Biography / Memoir

Showing 1-10 of 41 titles.
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Agatha Tiegel Hanson

Our Places in the Sun

Agatha Tiegel Hanson (1873-1959) is regarded as a seminal figure in Deaf history for her writing, advocacy, and leadership, though her accomplishments merit recognition within the larger context of American ...

A Quiet Foghorn

More Notes from a Deaf Gay Life

In this collection of essays, Raymond Luczak once again offers readers powerful and deeply personal reflections on his experiences as a Deaf gay man. He begins his journey with the printed word where ...

Controlling Our Destiny

A Board Member’s View of Deaf President Now

In March 1988, students at Gallaudet University led a successful protest to demand the selection of the university’s first deaf president. The Deaf President Now (DPN) movement was a watershed event ...

Between Two Worlds

My Life as a Child of Deaf Adults

In his memoir, David Sorensen explores his identity as a coda, or a child of Deaf adults. He describes his experiences with the roles often placed on codas at a young age, such as interpreter, confidant, ...

Ears, Eyes, and Hands

Reflections on Language, Literacy, and Linguistics

Ears, Eyes, and Hands presents the author’s reflections on language, literacy, and linguistics that have been shaped by her deafness and by her work as an educator. In short, engaging narratives, Deborah ...

Paris in America

A Deaf Nanticoke Shoemaker and His Daughter

Clara Jean Mosley Hall has inhabited various cultural worlds in her life: Native American, African American, Deaf, and hearing. The hearing daughter of a Deaf Nanticoke man, who grew up in Dover, Delaware’s ...

Silent Life and Silent Language

The Inner Life of a Mute in an Institution for the Deaf

Silent Life and Silent Language presents a fictionalized account of life at a Midwestern residential school for deaf students in the years following the Civil War. Based on the experiences of the author, ...

My Life of Language

A Memoir

Content Notice: ableism, mental illness, and suicide

Paul W. Ogden has dedicated his life to educating young deaf and hard of hearing people and raising awareness of what it means to be deaf in a hearing ...

The Stories They Told Me

The Life of My Deaf Parents

In this heartfelt memoir, Maria Wallisfurth recounts the lives of her deaf parents in Germany from the turn of the twentieth century through World War II. Her mother, Maria Giefer, was born in 1897 and ...

Voyage to the Island

1st Edition

Raija Nieminen, a deaf woman from Finland, had been leading a very full life as both a librarian and mother of two children. Then her husband Jukka won an exciting new job designing the harbor in the ...