Biography / Memoir

Showing 21-30 of 41 titles.
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Deaf Lives in Contrast

Two Women's Stories

1st Edition

The Eighth Volume in the Deaf Lives Series
Deaf Lives in Contrast: Two Women’s Stories might seem to bring together polar opposites in the broad range of deaf experience. Yet, as these narratives unfold, ...

Day by Day

The Chronicles of a Hard of Hearing Reporter

1st Edition

The Seventh Volume in the Deaf Lives Series

Elizabeth Thompson’s hearing loss was detected when she was in elementary school, and her hearing continued to deteriorate until she became completely deaf. ...


Deaf Identity and Internal Revolution

First Edition

“What you have in your hands is a bomb. But it is the kind you need to hold on to for dear life, not run away from.”
—From the Foreword, John Lee Clark
Christopher Jon Heuer lost his hearing early, ...

Teaching from the Heart and Soul

The Robert F. Panara Story

The Sixth Volume in the Deaf Lives Series
Robert F. Panara lost his hearing from spinal meningitis in 1931 at the age of ten. However, he could read and write, and with his friends’ help, Bob (as he ...


A Young Australian's Experience with Deafness

First Edition

By Paul Jacobs
Categories: Biography / Memoir
Series: Deaf Lives

The Fifth Volume in the Deaf Lives Series
Born in Melbourne, Australia, in 1974, Paul Jacobs lost his mother when he was three months old. When he was five, he lost most of his hearing. These two defining ...

Crossing the Divide

Representations of Deafness in Biography

This remarkable volume examines the process by which three deaf, French biographers from the 19th and 20th centuries attempted to cross the cultural divide between deaf and hearing worlds through their ...

Blind Rage

Letters to Helen Keller

First Edition

As a young blind girl, Georgina Kleege repeatedly heard the refrain, “Why can’t you be more like Helen Keller?” Kleege’s resentment culminates in her book Blind Rage: Letters to Helen Keller, ...

Deaf in Delhi

A Memoir

In 1952, after two weeks of typhoid fever and the mumps, 11-year-old Madan Vasishta awoke one night to discover that he could no longer hear. He was horrified because in India, the word for “deaf” ...

Deaf Daughter, Hearing Father

First Edition

When Richard Medugno and his wife Brenda learned in 1993 that their 17-month-old daughter Miranda was deaf, they grieved, as many hearing parents do. Soon, however, Medugno seized hold of the need to ...

Deaf Women's Lives

Three Self-Portraits

First Edition

Three deaf women with widely varying stories share their experiences in this unique collection, revealing the vast differences in the circumstances of their lives, but also striking similarities. In Bainy ...