Parenting / Family

Showing 1-10 of 18 titles.
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El Jardín Silencioso

Una guía para los padres para criar a un niño sordo

Durante más de treinta años, The Silent Garden les ha ofrecido a los padres de niños sordos todo el apoyo y la información imparcial que necesitan para que sus hijos desarrollen su pleno potencial. ...

The Silent Garden

A Parent’s Guide to Raising a Deaf Child

Third Edition

For over 30 years, The Silent Garden has offered parents of deaf children the support and unbiased information needed to fully realize their children’s potential. This completely revised third edition ...

Building Bridges, Crossing Borders

One Young Deaf Woman’s Education

1st Edition

Kyler Daniels was born in 1988 with a profound bilateral hearing loss. Her deafness went undetected for a year since newborn screening for hearing loss was not yet available. Kyler benefited, however, ...

Deaf Children in China

To learn how Chinese parents raise their deaf children, Alison Callaway in 1994 conducted extensive research in the city of Nanjing. There, she interviewed the parents of 26 deaf children while also carefully ...

Bilingual Deaf and Hearing Families

Narrative Interviews

1st Edition

This study emphasizes the importance of family support for deaf members, particularly through the use of both American Sign Language (ASL) and spoken and/or written English. Research has shown how these ...

Amy Signs

A Mother, Her Deaf Daughter, and Their Stories

First Edition

“Thirty-seven years ago, I vowed to write a truthful book about raising a deaf child.” Rebecca Willman Gernon followed through on her promise with her deaf daughter Amy Willman in this extraordinary ...

The Parents’ Guide to Baby Signs

Early Communication with Your Infant

1st Edition

Experienced ASL instructor Leann Sebrey champions two-way sign communication between parents and their infants who are just months old as a way to bond more closely and reduce frustration, while also ...

Deaf Adolescents

Inner Lives and Lifeworld Development

1st Edition

In her landmark book Inner Lives of Deaf Children: Interviews and Analysis, Martha A. Sheridan explored the lifeworlds — the individual and collective elements and realities that are present within ...

Deaf Daughter, Hearing Father

First Edition

When Richard Medugno and his wife Brenda learned in 1993 that their 17-month-old daughter Miranda was deaf, they grieved, as many hearing parents do. Soon, however, Medugno seized hold of the need to ...

Teach Your Tot to Sign

The Parents' Guide to American Sign Language

First Edition

Research has shown that very young children can learn sign language before they learn to speak. Teach Your Tot to Sign: The Parents’ Guide to American Sign Language provides parents and teachers the ...