Parenting / Family

Showing 11-18 of 18 titles.
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Literacy and Your Deaf Child

What Every Parent Should Know

First Edition

In the modern world, success depends upon literacy, a fact especially true for deaf children who, if they read and write well, can take full advantage of e-mail, the Internet, and other communication ...

Parents and Their Deaf Children

The Early Years

First Edition

To correct the paucity of information on deaf or hard of hearing children and their parents’ experiences with early intervention services, researchers explored these relationships as part of the National ...

The Parents' Guide to Cochlear Implants

First Edition

Now, parents of deaf children have at hand a complete guide to the process of cochlear implantation. Written by two eminent professionals in deaf education, The Parents’ Guide to Cochlear Implants explains ...

Inner Lives of Deaf Children

Interviews and Analysis

By conducting interviews with seven deaf children, ages seven to ten, Martha Sheridan offers a fresh look at their private thoughts and feelings in this watershed book. Each child possesses a unique cultural ...

Alandra's Lilacs

The Story of a Mother and Her Deaf Daughter

When, in 1968, 19-year-old Tressa Bowers took her baby daughter to an expert on deaf children, he pronounced that Alandra was “stone deaf,” she most likely would never be able to talk, and she probably ...

The Signing Family

What Every Parent Should Know about Sign Communication

First Edition

Parents of deaf children concerned with finding the best means of communication for their family will welcome the straightforward, reader-friendly information found in The Signing Family. In a style ...

Kid-Friendly Parenting with Deaf and Hard of Hearing Children

By Daria Medwid
Contributions by Denise Weston
Categories: Parenting / Family

For the parents of thousands of deaf and hard of hearing children, this step-by-step guide offers hundreds of ideas and methods that work with children ages 3 to 12. It provides scores of play activities ...

Deaf Like Me

Deaf Like Me is the moving account of parents coming to terms with their baby girl’s profound deafness. The love, hope, and anxieties of all hearing parents of deaf children are expressed here with ...