American Sign Language Green Books, A Teacher's Resource Text on Curriculum, Methods, and Evaluation

By Charlotte Baker-Shenk & Dennis Cokely

Imprint: Gallaudet University Press
Paperback : 9780930323851, 187 pages, April 1991
Ebook : 9781563681622, 204 pages, October 2009
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This practical textbook details the framework for understanding and using second-language teaching techniques for ASL. Using this interactive approach to teaching language, instructors can create situations to help students learn how to converse in ASL. Conducting dialogues and drills in the classroom is explained fully; activities and exercises to supplement dialogues and drills in student textbooks are provided.


Charlotte Baker-Shenk is a consultant on ASL linguistics and empowerment in Sharpsburg, MD.

Dennis Cokely is director of the American Sign Language Program and chair of the Department of Modern Languages at Northeastern University.