Working Text (Student Workbook)

X-Word Grammar and Writing Activities for Students

1st Edition

By Sue Livingston

Categories: Deaf Education
Imprint: Gallaudet University Press
Paperback : 9781563684685, 128 pages, September 2010
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This workbook features 86 reading and writing exercises for home or class to help Deaf, second-language, and other students master English grammar by improving their command of language construction to become better writers.



Working Test: X-Word Grammar and Writing Activities for Students features 86 X-Word Grammar reading and writing exercises divided into five parts of increasing complexity. Deaf, second-language, and other students experiencing difficulty with English composition can perform these exercises as homework or as in-class activities. Through these exercises, they can master English grammar, improve their facility with language constructions, and meet the challenges of becoming better writers.


Sue Livingston is Professor, Program for Deaf Adults, LaGuardia Community College of the City University of New York, NY.