Guidelines for Multilingual Deaf Education Teacher Preparation Programs

By Christopher Kurz, Debbie Golos, Marlon Kuntze, Jonathan Henner, and Jessica Scott

Series: Multilingual Deaf Education: Teacher Training, Research, and Pedagogy
Imprint: Gallaudet University Press
Paperback : 9781944838959, 46 pages, October 2021
Ebook : 9781944838966, 46 pages, October 2021
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These guidelines aim to transform Deaf education teacher training programs by incorporating better language and cultural models in the classroom.


ASL Section Summaries



This publication aims to support the effort to create transformative changes within Deaf education teacher training programs in the United States and Canada. It is a critical time to reexamine these programs and ensure the provision of the highest quality education to prepare future teachers to meet the needs of Deaf students in today’s increasingly multilingual and multimodal climate. Deaf education teacher preparation programs need to understand the multiple and intersecting identities of their students to be able to provide education that is equitable for all. Programs that approach Deaf education through a multilingual lens are in a better position to produce teachers who are knowledgeable about the diverse language and cultural needs of Deaf students. The guidelines set forth in this volume can be used to help develop new undergraduate and graduate teacher training programs or to transition an existing program.

The key goals and anticipated outcomes of this volume are:

  • to increase the number of multilingual Deaf education teacher preparation programs;
  • to increase the number of fluent language and cultural models for Deaf children in varying educational environments;
  • to increase the number of high quality teachers with competencies in multilingual strategies; 
  • to increase collaboration between teacher training programs; and
  • to increase research and professional development focused in multilingual pedagogies.

Christopher Kurz is Professor for the Masters of Science in Secondary Education program and Director of the Mathematics and Science Language and Learning Lab at the National Technical Institute for the Deaf at the Rochester Institute of Technology.

Debbie Golos is Associate Professor and Coordinator of the Deaf Education Teacher Preparation Graduate program in the Department of Educational Psychology at the University of Minnesota.

Marlon Kuntze is Professor in the School of Civic Leadership, Business, and Social Change at Gallaudet University.

Jonathan Henner is Assistant Professor in the Specialized Education Services (SES) Department at the University of North Carolina, Greensboro.

Jessica Scott is Assistant Professor in Deaf education in the Department of Learning Sciences at Georgia State University.



“Explores a praxis that is ethically responsive to myriad crises that define DETE [deaf education-teacher education] programs in postmodernity.”

— Michael Skyer, Journal of Deaf Studies and Deaf Education