Deaf Studies

Showing 21-30 of 40 titles.
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Illusions of Equality

Deaf Americans in School and Factory, 1850-1950

1st Edition

The working lives of Deaf Americans from the mid-1850s to the post-World War II era depended upon strategies created by Deaf community leaders to win and keep jobs through periods of low national employment ...

The People Who Spell

The Last Students from the Mexican National School for the Deaf

1st Edition

The Escuela Nacional para Sordomudos (ENS), translated as the Mexican National School for the Deaf, opened its doors in the 1860s as part of the republic’s intention to educate its deaf people. The ...

Deaf and Disability Studies

Interdisciplinary Perspectives

1st Edition

This collection presents 14 essays by renowned scholars on Deaf people, Deafhood, Deaf histories, and Deaf identity, but from different points of view on the Deaf/Disability compass. Editors Susan Burch ...

Deaf History and Culture in Spain

A Reader of Primary Documents

1st Edition

In this landmark reader, Benjamin Fraser offers in five parts 44 Spanish documents dating from 1417 to the present, translated for the first time to trace the turbulent history of Deaf culture in Spain. ...

Deaf Identity and Social Images in Nineteenth-Century France

1st Edition

Since the French Revolution in1789, Deaf French people have struggled to preserve their cultural heritage, to win full civil rights, and to gain access to society through their sign language. Anne T. ...

The Deaf Way II Reader

Perspectives from the Second International Conference on Deaf Culture

First Edition

This extraordinary volume features the very best of the scholarship presented at the Deaf Way II, the second international Deaf gathering in 2002 in Washington, DC. More than 100 contributors from countries ...

Deaf Way II: An International Celebration

An International Celebration

First Edition

In July 2002, more than 9,700 Deaf people from around the world met in Washington, D.C., to share their arts, research, and languages at Deaf Way II, a joyous festival of diverse Deaf cultures. Deaf Way ...

From Pity to Pride

Growing Up Deaf in the Old South

First Edition

The antebellum South’s economic dependence on slavery engendered a rigid social order in which a small number of privileged white men dominated African Americans, poor whites, women, and many people ...

Sweet Bells Jangled

Laura Redden Searing, A Deaf Poet Restored

First Edition

Laura Redden Searing (1839-1923) defied critics of the time by establishing herself as a successful poet, a poet who was deaf. She began writing verse at the Missouri School for the Deaf in 1858, and, ...

The Deaf Way II Anthology

A Literary Collection by Deaf and Hard of Hearing Writers

First Edition

In July 2002, the second Deaf Way Conference and Festival took place at Gallaudet University in Washington, D.C., attracting more than 5,000 people worldwide. Researchers, artists, performers, and others ...