Interpreting in Legal Settings

1st Edition

Edited by Debra Russell & Sandra Hale

Categories: Translation and Interpreting Studies
Series: Studies in Interpretation
Imprint: Gallaudet University Press
Paperback : 9781563685507, 204 pages, June 2012
Ebook : 9781563684319, 204 pages, September 2009
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The 4th volume in the Studies in Interpretation series describes the challenges of interpreters in coping with the complexity of legal interactions and translating them correctly for their clients.



The Fourth Volume in the Studies in Interpretation Series

The work of interpreters in legal settings, whether they are spoken or signed language interpreters, is filled with enormous complexity and challenges. This engrossing volume presents six, data-based studies from both signed and spoken language interpreter researchers on a diverse range of topics, theoretical underpinnings, and research methodologies.

     In the first chapter, Ruth Morris analyzes the 1987 trial of Ivan (John) Demjanjuk in Jerusalem, and reveals that what might appear to be ethical breaches often were no more than courtroom dynamics, such as noise and overlapping conversation. Waltraud Kolb and Franz Pöchhacker studied 14 asylum appeals in Austria and found that interpreters frequently aligned themselves with the adjudicators. Bente Jacobsen presents a case study of a Danish-English interpreter whose discourse practices expose her attempts to maintain, mitigate, or enhance face among the participants.

     In the fourth chapter, Jemina Napier and David Spencer investigate the effectiveness of interpreting in an Australian courtroom to determine if deaf citizens should participate as jurors. Debra Russell analyzed the effectiveness of preparing sign language interpreter teams for trials in Canada and found mixed results. The final chapter presents Zubaidah Ibrahim-Bell’s research on the inadequate legal services in Malaysia due to the fact that only seven sign interpreters are available. Taken together, these studies point to a “coming of age” of the field of legal interpreting as a research discipline, making Interpreting in Legal Settings an invaluable, one-of-a-kind acquisition.


Debra Russell is Director of the Western Canadian Centre of Studies in Deafness and is the David Peikoff Chair of Deafness Studies, University of Alberta, Canada.
Sandra Hale is Associate Professor of Interpreting and Translation, University of Western Sydney, Australia.