Signed Languages

Discoveries from International Research

Edited by Valerie Dively, Melanie Metzger, Sarah Taub, and Anne Marie Baer

Imprint: Gallaudet University Press
Ebook : 9781563682469, 184 pages, October 2009
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Table of contents

Part One: Phonology
Why Not GIVE US: An Articulatory Constraint in Signed Languages - Gaurav Mathur and Christian Rathmann
Weak Drop in Sign Language of the Netherlands - Els van der Kooij
Part Two: Morphology and Syntax
The Discourse Function of Noun Classifiers in Swedish Sign Language - Brita Bergman and Lars Wallin
Signs without Hands: Nonhanded Signs in American Sign Language - Valerie L. Dively
Motion and Transfer: The Analysis of Two Verb Classes in Israeli Sign Language - Irit Meir
Part Three: Psycholinguistics
Functional Consequences of Modality: Spatial Coding in Working Memory for Signs - Margaret Wilson and Karen Emmorey
Part Four: Language Acquisition
Proximalization and Distalization of Sign Movement in Adult Learners - Gene Mirus, Christian Rathmann, and Richard P. Meier
The Emergence of Narrative Discourse in Two Young Deaf Children - Astrid Vercaingne-Ménard, Lucie Godard, and Marie Labelle
Part Five: Sociolinguistics
Analyzing Variation in Sign Languages:Theoretical and Methodological Issues - Rob Hoopes, Mary Rose, Robert Bayley, Ceil Lucas, Alyssa Wulf, Karen Petronio, and Steven Collins
Politeness and Venezuelan Sign Language - Lourdes Pietrosemoli
ASL in Northern Nigeria: Will Hausa Sign Language Survive? - Constanze Schmaling
Part Six: Poetics
Complex Superposition of Metaphors in an ASL Poem - Sarah F. Taub
British Sign Language Poetry: A Linguistic Analysis of the Work of Dorothy Miles - Rachel Sutton-Spence
Appendix: Transcription Conventions



Signed Languages: Discoveries from International Research collects the thirteen freshest, most innovative papers presented at the sixth Theoretical Issues in Sign Language Research conference in 1998, the largest of its kind ever convened. Presented together in this timely compendium, the research reflects the current trend toward focusing on international signed languages that previously have been ignored, including those of Sweden, Israel, Venezuela, and northern Nigeria.

The anthology is divided into six sections: Phonology, Morphology and Syntax, Psycholinguistics, Language Acquisition, Sociolinguistics, and Poetics. In Part One, articulatory constraints and the sign language of the Netherlands are addressed. In Part Two, researchers tackle noun classifiers, nonhanded signs, and verb classes in the signed languages of Sweden, the United States, and Israel respectively. Part Three offers the study, "Functional Consequences of Modality: Spatial Coding in Working Memory for Signs."

Language acquisition is analyzed in both adult learners and deaf children in Part Four. Part Five reports on the relationship between language and society around the world, focusing particularly on the signed languages of Venezuela and northern Nigeria. Part Six considers the techniques employed in British Sign Language poetry and ASL poetry.


Valerie Dively is a professor in the Department of Interpretation at Gallaudet University.

Sarah Taub is a former assistant professor in the Department of Interpretation at Gallaudet University.

Melanie Metzger is a professor and chair of the Department of Interpretation at Gallaudet University.

Anne Marie Baer is a former ASL Assessor/Evaluator for the Center for ASL Literacy at Gallaudet University. She currently conducts research in Colorado.